The Shepparton Bridge Club was formed in 1981.
The club meets at the U3A hall, Esson Street Shepparton.
The club has a competition night on Mondays from 7-11 pm. Please be seated at 6.50pm for a 7pm start.
The club also meets on a Saturday afternoon between 1-5pm . This competition will be dependant on the number of players and availability of the U3A hall. Please contact Derek Poulton (58254112 or and/or look at the club calendar.
A social group meets at U3A hall on Wednesday afternoon between 1-4 pm. Beginners classes are held each year usually starting in March from 6.30pm and followed by supervised bridge until players are comfortable to join a regular session.
All regular players are required to be members of U3A Goulburn Valley. Visitors and new members are welcome.
Table fees are currently $3 session, free on wednesday.